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Thursday, April 26, 2007
i shall call this weekk dedication weekk...whereby i shalll postup blogss for specific ppl and just say random stuff though its hell week for me cus of exams i feel like doing this anweyss...so lucky person number 1 is VEENAH G... congratulations girly girl..=)VEEnahh =) veenah is one of my bestest bestest ever friendd and she is one amazing person inside and out...shes alwes there for me even if she isnt physically wehnevr im feeling sad or sumthings bugging me im alwes hoping to tok to her or at least give her a ring..i remember from form 1- form 5 we would alwes sit next to each other and do the most randomest things and i miss those days..evrything seemed so much easier those days right v?..i tend to veenah the randomest nickss..some would be kinda nic like veenosh veetag and even nicer oness like...vin diesel?..she has a thing for BB which i dun get it just happens..its like coincidentally she'll just attract them.. ann and i have this bet that she'll get married with one and who is also *****..well ann u know what i mean :P..hahaha...oh yeah too bad i wont be getting u guys ur tifanny&co jewellery since im not gonna be getting married with that certain sumone anymore!1..ahaha damn we were freaking naive those dayss..but that was what made it funny..i kinda lostt the paper and probably wasi took it and read the whole thing... ii remember planning my birthday parties and veenahs parents will be like oh is the princess's bday isiit..ahaha...anyways i love ur parentss their cool..eheh..i remember when we did that aerobics thing with my mum at the field and we were on stage and we got so lost at one point..dude tht was so embarassing there was so many ppl THERE!!,..and remember when i alwes force u to come over and alwes meet each other half way//well u would walk more than half way which u alwes accuse me of walking very slow..till this day i deny evrythingg..ahaha..i cant believe u left me and went all the way to KL ..we would alwes joke abt the day when i meet ur GRAndmama and she'll think im the mosttt rudest and retarded person eveRR..what happen to our plan of opening our own resto and il be the lady at the counter ,charm the flirty waitress , ann the dishwasher and u the COok..and what the hell were thinkin placing u as the cook i mean u cant even fry eggs!!..and im afraid u might put condense milk in all the dishes...ahaha... sleepovers alwes was crazy timess and our movie selections got weirder and weirder!! like MAHAYA and the cheeseckaee drifting to the seaA..we still havent done that by the way...when i tink about it now i cant believe we spent so much time together not only did we go to skul together,tuitions.lived basicaly 5minutess away,called each other and went to panaga together...i wonder how come we never got sick of each other?.a.ahaha...thats the coolest thing i tink :)..thats why it feels like a piece of me is gonee when u left=(..but no worriess ul alwes have me to back u up..even if u live in alaska il stilll be ur FRiend..ur not getting rid of me taht easily..:)..times in malay tuition where we would laugh like mad..once weluagh for 2ominutess straight seriosuly i almost passed outt just cus that girl looked like prom queen!!..ok dude that was seriosuly mean why the hell did we call her prom queeen?..ahaha i tink that was charmm and checking what she was wearinggg!!! if u get what i mean la.. :P..prom night was amazingg in a good way and bad way...i didnt like it cus of the stresss at the beginningg...i remember going realli early in the morning and placing the decorations..the placed was suppose to look magical but it didnt realllyy?.a.ahhahah..anwyays it waass all goodd by the end of the night..the night before blowing all those stupid balloons and watching travelling jeans?...forgot what it was called..ehehe.. anyways all i can say...having u as a friend has beeen completely amazing and wish i could turn back time but i cant..so all we have now is to look forward for the future and hopefulleh do some travelling together a diefinite must..we have to get those 2 biatches to come along as well..i misss our ccacat times togrther as a groupp...sumthing about it i will nevr be able to let go or forgeTT..u were the ppl that grew up with me and know me inside and out..i have tremendous respect for each one of u and hope u know i love u guyss LOADS |