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Layout: lyricaltragedy
Pattern: tillyness
Monday, October 29, 2007

"Sometimes YOU just have to hit the GROUND running!!!! "

i absolutely love that saying/motto? basically i had the most amazing half term EVER it was even better than last yeaR..anyways first few days i hung out with my love and watched nanny diaries whiich was a really sweet movie and on my bday we went around london and kinda explored..hehe it was fun cus we had sushi in the park ,ate chinese with heidi and her fren, rode in carriage through SOHO but we felt bad for the dude cus he had bring our fat-asses around,then i went insane in Miss selfridges..i was in the line waiting for the changing rooms when the song in the store caught my ear and it was a song that went like ' girl, your 19 now...u gotta livee..dont need a guy...lalalaa " i was damn shocked cus i mean usually songs would be about people turning 16,18,21 or EVEN 50 but THEN it was actually a song about turning 19 it was crazy then all of a sudden darren appears from nowhere asking me if i was listneing to the song! i was laughing like crazy and couldnt stop talking about it afterwards..hehe!! >_<.. oh yeah we went around BOND streeet and we freaking SAW ClAUDIA SCHIFFER!!! like as in the modell!!! crap she came out of chanel and I WAs OMGG!!! she was like crossing the street so i wanted to cross too which almost cost me my life cus a bike was driving by and i didnt realise until darren pulled my arm..yeah but anyways we managed to cross and pass her..she's realli skinny and pretty but not extremely tall.i didnt really wanna stalk her cus that would just be weird but the funnniest thing was after we passed her we passed salvadore feragamo and the model for the Ads was HER!!..goodness!i was star struck =)

then the next day i flew to washington was such a good trip basically cus i saw my sister which made me such a happy peanut..she surprised with a trip to disney world for my birthday..shes the sweettest :P/hehe..i just went sight seeing around washington while she was working on thursday. i took pichas of the white house,capital hill and columbia was goodd..i love the states.ppl are so friendly in comparison to the uk and the weather is so nice when i was there it was sunny and hot which was amazing..on friday we went to georgetown it was such a cute and quaint town it looked exactly like in the movies. in the evening we watched 'heartbreak kid' which was so funnyy!! and stupid then after then we went for dinner with claudette.

saturday we used the bus down to NYC and it was such an Experience.the first i saw was madison square garden which reminded right away of NSYNC..the good ol was this huge ass arena and its like most well-known arena in NYC that it even has its own channel on TV!!! then we checked and went sight seeing..loads of camwhoring and starbucks stops..i cant explain the whole trip but to round it all up it was a great experience and everythin reminded me of backdrops of different movies and the movie that kept coming to mind was ELF , thats the ultimate funny movie so i kinda laughed to myself when i entered the empire state building!! its such an amazing city and the energy is felt throughout. its a mix of all sorts of people with multi-cultural background the ultimate melting pot!

tuesday we flew over to orlando where we visited DisnEy world! i know it sounds completely spastic but when i ffirst laid eyes on the cinderella castle which by the way DOES REALLY EXIST!!! ahahah...i had goosebumppsss alll over cus ive always wanted to go but never had the chance to and there i up to the disney motto.."WHERE DREAMS COME TRUE....."basically i went to magic kingdom and universal cus we didnt have enough time to visit the other parks..we rode on this ride which drops down 5stories and splashes into a sea of water it was insane i saw my life flashed before my eyES!! my sis and i got completely soaked and it was freeezing so we bought disney shirts..i even managed to ride in the MAD-Tea party!!! its the ride with the massive tea cups from alice in wonderland i always dreamt of sitting in them though they made me feel like puking afterwards but it didnt matter!! theres something about that place that made me feel like an 8year old all over again..

in all honesty the atmosphere there is so much lighter and friendlier compared to here. it isnt the stereotypical place where people think at any moment you'll get terrorist attacks i mean there just normal people trying to get by just like everyone else. the food portions were insane i had the best salad and hot chocolaTE EVERR!!! felt like heaven!! :P the american accent is sooooo coooooolll!!! i sound so all-american obssesseD!hahahaha....oh welllss...arrived in heathrow saturday night and now im back in schoolll..time to get serious and get my head out of LALA land all over the moment i have a cold and keep sneeezing it ss really NOt FUNNY but i tink its just side affects from the constant change of weather conditions and time was all worth it in the end :P

"pretend everday is your birthday, and that you can do anything you want to do!"